One of Anything Isn’t Enough
Scott Robertson, APR: Posted on Tuesday, September 11, 2012 2:03 PM
One article isn’t going to change their minds!,” the incredulous highly skeptical potential client said to the dashing PR executive. chaussures nike femme 2017 “You’re right” said the confident and at-the-same-time ruggedly handsome PR guy.
Our subject today is about frequency and really about consistency of delivering a message into a communications channel. adidas pas cher nike air max Effective public relations helps companies define their messages, articulate them better and then (wait for it) deliver them consistently into the marketplace so as to create/induce perception or behavioral change needed to accomplish its business goals – Whew!
One story doesn’t do it — nor does two, etc. But consistently doing it will produce the desired results much like personal fitness.
Most people know that the key to being fit lies not in the latest snake oil or medical procedure, but instead in the behaviors associated with weight loss/gain. If you manage your diet and exercise frequently, you’ll be able to manage your body weight. louboutin soldes Same with your communications — if you have the right goals, the right discipline and the right habits, you’ll get there.
One workout isn’t going to help you lose 100 pounds and one story isn’t going to change people’s minds about your company. avis bottes ugg But a lot of them will.
As you know from reading my blogs, I’m a fan of honesty and “truthiness” in communications. nike pour homme pas cher Do not be afraid to be real. Real works, real connects and real is how you really move the needle. Is there risk to it? Yep. And there is risk to doing anything in business and in life except for sitting in a dark room with a bag of potato chips (and yes there is risk with the chips too). Take the risk — it’s worth it.
And be consistent. You may be so bored of saying what you do in exactly the same way, but communications isn’t about you. It’s about them. ugg bottes Be respectful of them and give them a fighting chance to actually understand what you do and why it matters…to them.
Don’t do it once or twice. Do it every time for as long as your customers let you. timberland 6-inch premium And if you need any guidance along the way, contact me. adidas gazelle pas cher I’m real and unafraid to communicate in the new digital world.